Friday, February 29, 2008

Deja Vu All Over Again

I just saw an ad that was placed by one of the candidates for the presidential nomination. I had heard it earlier on the radio. Children were sleeping and there was the sound of a phone ringing--presumably a red phone. The voice over declared that your children are sleeping safely but the red phone showed that there was something going on the in the world. the voice over asked whether you wanted someone who could handle issues of foreign importance. Blah. Blah. Blah. RED PHONE. RED PHONE!!!!!!!!!! Get it?

I had assumed that it was the McCain campaign. After all, the Republicans have fostered and fed upon an atmosphere of fear for the past seven years. And fear, as the folks in the novel Dune declare, "is the mind killer." I assumed, of course, that it was John McCain.

It was sponsored by Hillary Clinton. Enough said.

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